tugas bahasa inggris (GERUND)


Gerund adalah kata kerja bentuk ING atau biasa disebut Verb_ING. dalam bahasa inggris, memang ada beberapa kata kerja yang selalu diikuti oleh Gerund ini. namun, untuk masuk kesana, kami akan memulainya dari topik Verbs as ccomplement.

*  ada kata kerja yang selalu diikuti oleh Gerund (Verb_ING) :
1. admit (menerima/mengijinkan/mengakui)
2. avoid (menghindari)
3. appreciate (menghargai)
4. can't help (tak tahan)
5. consider (mempertimbangkan)
6. deny (mengingkari)
7. finish (menyelesaikan)
8. Mind (keberatan)
9. practice (berlatih)
10. postpone (menunda)
11. Quit (meninggalkan)
12. recall (mengingat/memanggil kembali)
13. resist (melawan/menantang/menahan)
14. resume (memulai lagi/meneruskan/menempati lagi)
15. risk (mempertaruhkan/mengambil resiko)
16. suggest (menyerahkan/mengusulkan)


*  I suggest you memorizing these words.
*  He risks fighting with the fire.
*  I am conside buying a new house,because it's a good investment.
*  She finished telephoningwhen I came.
*  He admitted not cheating on the exam (negative form)
*  I can't help falling in love with you.

A gerund is the-ing form of a verb used as a noun. A gerund is used in the same ways as a noun, i.e. as a subject or an object.
Example :
1.  Playing tennis is fun. (playing is a gerund. it is used as the subject of the sentence. playing tennis is a gerund phrase).
2.  We enjoy playing tennis. (playing is used as the object of the verb enjoy).
3.  He's excited about playing tennis. (playing is used as the object of the preposition about).

The used of Gerund :
1.) using gerund as the objects of prepositions :
*  We talked about going to bali for our next vacation.
*  Andy is in charge of organizing the meeting.
*  He is interested in learing more about biology.

2.)using gerund as the objects of certain verbs ;
      I enjoy playing tennis.
Rudy quit smoking.
Andy gave up smoking.

3.)  using gerund after preposition.
the is used to sleeping with the window open.
Rudy accustomed to sleeping with the window open.
My aunt looks forward to going home next month.
They object to changing their plas at this late date.

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